Monday, December 12, 2011

Not sure on this one?

Almost looks like Boulder lake (12 miles south-east of Pinedale Wy) at the top left of the picture. For some reason I didn't note the date or time or location.

Real estate lady called this morning, we close on the house Thursday afternoon at 2:30. I almost have the trailer loaded and ready to move to the RV park. If all works out I'll spend Thursday night in the trailer at Willow Wind Rv park here in Hurricane Ut. The nights are getting colder down here, I'm anxious to get to Arizona later this month.
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  1. Wow...sounds great to me. Yes it's getting colder. However for hasn't been that cold. Zero every night. One of the last years we had the ranch there was two weeks before Christmas of -50 every night, and it got up to -20 in the days. I'm sure all who read this will remember it. Our electricity was off...feeding cows was life threatening..and of course they needed more...but we all lived through it. That got kinda wordie didn't it? :) Looking forward to seeing you when you get here.

  2. Can't really tell if that is our Boulder Lake, Hank. Kind of an unusual shot. Is that Jim's plane?
