Monday, March 14, 2011


Was fooling around with my scanner trying to line pics up etc. I must have a thousand old pictures laying around in boxes. Got to get them scanned and on an external hard drive before they deteriorate.

The upper L is shot from near Gannet peak looking southward towards Fremont peak. Fremont peak is the one with the ice field in the upper L hand corner of that photo (the back-side of it that you never see). The Upper R. is when I used to carry old glory in the Rendzevous parade on my trusty mount "Mouse"

Lower Left is Cirque of the towers down by Big Sandy (southeast Sublette County) and the other was taken when we were searching for some lost guy from back east about 1998. That's Fremont peak in center. The clouds that day were kind of wispy and cool!!

I can see that I have to separate the pictures a bit more....
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