Thursday, November 12, 2009

Red flowering bushes

Someone told me last year what those red flowering bushes were but I forgot. If it weren't for the power box and overhead power lines this might have been a fair picture. This is just outside the gate of our RV park. Camera didn't do much justice to the red in the bushes either.

Off to the dentist today, I'll be relieved when that is over. Anyone who had dental work done in the 50's and 60' undoubtedly have lots of silver in their mouth's (I do), that stuff lasts about 40 years then begins to detriorate from constant expansion and contraction...I have two crowns to look forward in the next few days and probably many more in the future.

Join me in a refrain of "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth".....
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  1. Bougainvillea (pronounced /ˌbuːɡɨnˈvɪliə/). We have some over here and it's pretty. Uhm, teeth, uh?!

  2. Sally's right...I was going to say it, but she did.
