Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Back to the land of the Saguaros

Lots of "cacti" (I think that's plural for cactus), anyhow, good to see those critters sticking out of the desert floor here in Apache junction. This area experienced the hottest temps ever recorded on this date (don't tell Al Gore), was 96 yesterday and it hasn't been that hot on this date since 1931. Supposed to be down into the 70's by Monday though, actually the heat felt pretty darned good after shivering that last week in Pinedale.

I'm rethinking posting twice a week to this blog, I had really become attached to posting daily on this blog, afterall, as Sally so correctly stated last week, it is kind of a permanent log of our life's activities. Now I'll be forced to go out and take more insignificat pictures and post. I'm sure I'll have senior moments and forget some days but hey, comes with the territory.

Had lunch with Win and Be Be Farnsworth a couple days ago, they're in an RV park near here. A new twist for the crooks down here, when you exit your vehicle they watch you and when you push the button on the remote locking device, they have a gadget that picks up that signal and remembers it. After you go into the store, they merely push the button on their device and your doors open. Sooooo, when you get out you have to manually push the "lock" button down on the door console, when you come out of the store it's then ok to push the remote button to unlock. Got to watch your back down here...
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1 comment:

  1. HURRAY! So glad you are going back to daily (mostly) postings on this blog! If you go to you will read that any cars built since 1995 canNOT be entered as you described above. They are NOT activiated by a sound that can be recorded & used. Also bogus is calling home when you lock yourself out of the car & having someone use their clicker while you hold your cell phone by the car door. But, check it out & let me know if you find different info - not just what's repeated from fake emails. Judi
