Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well actually nothing wrong with my computer, I just liked the animated picture.

Off to Rock Springs today to do some shopping and stop by the VA clinic and get a "shingles" shot. Through the VA they only cost $15.00 If you go to a clinic and get one they're near $300. I knew there was some reason I went into the army...LOL


  1. I think that picture is Duene! Well, Hank, I hope you did lots of shopping because yes, the doctor charges $200 for the shingles shot, but our Sublette County nurse is giving them for FREE. You didn't have to go to Rock Springs for it. JAM

  2. Yes, that picture is definitely me! I put two laptops in my dumpster last week. This week my desktop is at the repairman's with a corrupted system. I'll have to reinstall everything.
