Monday, August 3, 2009

Trail creek park search

A bunch of search and rescue members and me horsebacked into trail creek park about 12 years ago to try to find remains of a hiker that had perished in that area. Some lady found a skull and another person found the guy's pack. We never did find any more of him though. Sent the skull off to FBI lab for DNA testing but came back inconclusive. There was a huge boulder patch that we found the pack near, thought he may have ended up in that boulder pile but after an extensive search we never found him. His name was George Clock and he was last seen by some hunters the fall before we went up there. George always "challenged" the mountains late in the fall and got caught in an early autumn storm (the best we could figure). We worked that case for about 5 years....No one else has ever found any more body parts....That's Bardy Bardin on the left, yours' truly in the foreground and I can't remember who the rest of them were... There, you've had your little history of Sublette County lesson for the week....
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1 comment:

  1. You always post such interesting things, Hank. Thanks.
