Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Almost ripe

Not sure the camera lens does justice to these fine grapefruits, they're super green. Not just sure when they turn yellow so you can eat them?

Big Veteran's day parade here today, supposed to be about 88 degrees so I best wear a hat. These folks really honor their vets down here (and so does Pinedale).

We were supposed to go to the Arizona Opry tonight with Win and Be be Farnsworth, they had to fly back to Riverton to attend Jim Nethercott's funeral so left the tickets with me. We've invited some friends here at the RV park to go with us using the Farnsworth's tickets. Hopefully I'll get some good indoor shots with the new canon sure-shot.
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1 comment:

  1. The later in the year you eat the grapefruit the sweeter and juicier they are. We'd eat some in December..but after the first of the year they're better.
