Thursday, October 1, 2009

Uh Oh!!

This doesn't look good. Blew the engine in the Dodge diesel, got 5th wheel towed back to Tim's yard and the Dodge to Wolf Dodge. The good news is...It's still under warranty... Now we'll see what happens. Not sure what this is all going to entail??? We had just left Tim's yard and was southbound to Provo and got about half way between Pinedale and Big Piney when it blew. We had Good Sam roadside service and they paid for the towing. We just hunker down and wait a day...days...a week??? Not sure yet??
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  1. Turn up the heat...not such a bad place to be! Sorry about the "speed bump".

  2. Sorry to hear about the misadventure. Glad you were close to a safe haven. Judi
