Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tail end of a squirrell

This is an experiment in cropping and trying to get wildlife in closer with my "cheap" Kodak digital camera....

On a more serious note, I don't use this blog for political purposes, it's meant for keeping family and friends entertained and informed. BUT, I've had about enough of the federal government trying to shove socialistic health care and trillions of dollars in debt down our throats. Also there's an e-mail address at the whitehouse where you can spy on your neighbors and report their activities to "big brother". This is madness, our veterans didn't die on the battlefields to promote socialism.... I signed a petition to let congress how I feel. The URL of the petition is:

I also e-mailed the address at the whitehouse and reported myself as a crazed right wing conservative that is against this craziness...I'll probably be visited by some thugs who will throw me in a political prison and feed me pablum...

There... that's my rant... I'll try to keep this stuff to a minimum, I see on the news that many many others are beginning to feel the same way. We aren't crazy...we're just Americans wanting to keep our freedoms
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