Tuesday, July 21, 2009

From sacred rim

Saw a nice buck deer this morning but he jumped in the brush too soon to get a good picture. So I'll post another picture from my walk into sacred rim a couple weeks ago. This is looking at upper long lake from the rim. I'd hate to take a "header" off that ledge without a parachute on..
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  1. This is one of the most beautiful pictures of Long Lake I've seen. I can't go there or think of it without thinking of the time I had my grandsons up there, and they were jumping back and forth on that edge between a separate rock pinnicle and the rim, with untied tennis shoes, to impress some girls, they were about 11 or 12. They had gotten ahead of the grownups and that's what we found when we caught up. This is one time granny yelled at the poor mistreated boys. Love the moose photos too, whether the best or not you can sure tell he's a big one. Lynn

  2. PS as a matter of fact, I'm glad you didn't have to come and haul any 12 yr. olds out of that canyon!!
