Updated almost daily. Try to keep friends and family updated on what I'm doing.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wood splittin day
Waited for a day that was relatively cool and rented the wood splitter. split a couple cords of wood for my mom in law. Grandson and one of his friends helped and worked their little tails off. The guy holding the wood blocks up is just a little tooooooooo enthusiastic.....
My friend Terry
Terry is an avid backpacker and an overall good guy. We trudged quite a ways day before yesterday (my ankles still feel it), we plan another day hike in August some time...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Divide lake
Rollie.... I know this is a horrible picture of my map but if you can see it, you'll see Divide lake...Sits north of V lake a couple of miles but it's off the trail about 1/4 mile to the east....Fish lake is about 1 mile north and east of it.....I didn't realize till yesterday that there are more than one Divide lakes?????
Enjoy your trip!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
V lake and Divide lakes
Terry Ford and I headed in to V lake and divide lake out of the Big sandy openings in south Sublette county. The clouds and rain were such that it made for some "fair" pictures. We didn't catch any fish in V lake but limited out in divide lake (small brook trout). All in all we walked about 8 miles. I'm dragging tonight....hope the other pics posted under this one. One picture is of Temple peak (the clouds were just beginning to come over the top and it almost looked like a volcano. The other picture is of Mt. Hooker and part of Bonneville peak in the wind river range....
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Day pack ready
Friday, July 24, 2009
Snow July24, 2009
I'm always thinking is there more snow this year in the high country than ususal? Soooo, I'll try to remember to take the same picture next year on July 24th (at the same spot, in front of Les Burroughs' place) and post it (God willing and the creek don't rise) (Or if our Iranian friends don't get nukes)..
Sharpening the ole chain saw up again today....more wood for Roberta King tomorrow..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Computer helper glasses
I've worn glasses since I was in 1st grade. Was over visiting Gina and Bob recently and noted that Gina uses a pair of reading glasses OVER her regular glasses, helps see the medium range stuff between she and the computer screen. Got a pair of the same type of glasses in Rock Springs today. Wow really works..... Jeez, I'm really reaching to take a picture of a pair of glasses... Thanks for the tip Gina..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Fishin Fremont
Took the boat out on Fremont lake this morning. I should have known the day wasn't going to go well when I lost the rope that secures the boat. The boat drifted off and another boater was kind enough to retrieve it for me. Fished the east shore below the campground but didn't have any luck. I still have a lot to learn about Lake trout fishing.
Rock Springs trip tomorrow......If I don't lose the car.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
From sacred rim
Saw a nice buck deer this morning but he jumped in the brush too soon to get a good picture. So I'll post another picture from my walk into sacred rim a couple weeks ago. This is looking at upper long lake from the rim. I'd hate to take a "header" off that ledge without a parachute on..
Monday, July 20, 2009
Same moose
I worked on Picasa for an hour trying to crop and save this pic. The quality of my camera is such that it doesn't take very good "far away pics"......some days you just have to play the moose that you are dealt..
Deb: Not a good picture, but it is as good as it gets today. We saw him on our way to get another load of wood. He is the only one we have seen since we got back. I guess I need to go park on Mom's deck, she is always seeing them in her back yard.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
First load of wood
Deb: Went up to New Fork campground to check out the free wood that they have cut. It was all gone. So we just went a little further and cut a few trees and had a small load for Berta. As you can see Hank is getting in the wood cutting mode. Just six (or so) more loads to get. Our crisis for the day was the anit-theft devise on the pickup kicked in and the horn went off and then after Hank got it turned off, the truck would not start. So when all else fails...read the manual. All fixed now.....
Square top mountain etc.
Beautiful day yesterday but sun conditions not perfect for good photos (who cares), caught a boater headed out to fish in Green River lake. then a horrid picture of the grand teton from the top of Moose Gypsum creek road (it's that tiny white thingie in the center of the horizon on the photo)... must be 50 miles away?? And of course Debi being photographed .......photographing....whatever...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Roses, roses, roses
Deb: This is a rose bush in my mom's yard. It is beautiful. She wanted me to get a pic before the wind blew it all away. Hank and I went for a drive up to Green River Lake. The road has not improved since the last time I went up. He will be posting some pics of that trip.
Yes deer!!
Had about 2 seconds to get this shot of a pretty nice buck deer on the Fremont lake road this morning. I looked like a Yellowstone tourist stopping in the middle of the road.....Not sure if the rear view mirror shows an angry motorist who was pulling a trailer that had to slow down for me, hopefully a warrant won't be ensuing...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wolf lake snowbank
Rode my 4 wheeler in to Wolf Lake today, nice picture of Raid peak looking over the top of wolf lake. The snowbank is almost always at that same spot south of wolf lake. Generally by July 16th it's melted. The snow was really packed in there this year. Packed my 3 brook trout and 1 rainbow in the snow for transport out. Mosquitos and biting flies were plentiful, thankfully the wind blew and kept them down.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sacred Rim
Took my annual trek into Sacred Rim this morning. I usually go in about this time of year but normally there's lots of fires in the west and it's very hazy. Today was relatively clear. That "falls" in lower 1/3 of picture was really running this year. You could see the water boiling down that chute....could hear it too.
Plan tomorrow is to ride my 4 wheeler in to the Wolf lake area and try to catch a few brook trout.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kermit after Rendezvous
Poor Kermit, had too much Rendezvous partying. Although he recovered, he wasn't much use yesterday. Couldn't find miss Piggy, probably has Swine flu.
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