Monday, June 28, 2010

Berry bush?

Not sure if this is a chokecherry bush??? Not sure if they bloom like that. This is east shore of Fremont lake...
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

More Cliff creek

Was really nice up Cliff creek today, a few mosquitos out but not swarms. Stopped by the Bondurant Bar-B-Q and visited with friends and political candidates.
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Friday, June 25, 2010

The shy antelope

Oh how rude of him, turned his back on me as I was taking his portrait... Just before I clicked the shutter I had a really nice profile of the little guy. Plenty of them on the Green river...
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Floyd R. Turbo

I used to laugh my self silly when Johnny Carson depicted "Floyd R. Turbo" American!!... Snagged this pic off the internet somewhere. Since the tonight show is in somewhat turmoil, I don't watch it anymore... Off to catch a fish in the boat this morning...
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Buckskin crossing

Kinda awesome to see the ruts the wagon trains made back in the 1800's, these tracks in the center are fairly pronounced. This is part of the Oregon trail that heads west into the unknown (well we kinda know what's there nowdays). Day off, breakfast with Larry and Sharon Lozier this morning, haven't seen them since we had breakfast with them in Apache Junction Arizona in January..... I think we've started a tradition..
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Big Sandy area

Big Sandy area. Road has dried up nicely in that area, a few cars parked at the trailhead, they must be going in a ways at least. Not sure how far back you can get now?? Had a nice visit with one of the Temple creek summer home owners. He's a school teacher from Rock Springs. His wife is a Gosar, she would be a niece to Tony Gosar. Extremely nice people, they fed me some petitsa (sp), from an old family recipe and cooked up some really good coffee...
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The other picture

Good grief, I must be losing it, I posted the same picture twice thinking they were different. Brain is the first thing to go I guess...
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Big Sandy

These two pics would be better if it weren't mid day and the sun washed the "snowy" mountain out. Oh well, it's still a picture..

The other pic is looking into Big Sandy openings from the southwest.. Nice day up there
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saguaro lake

Probably about 100 degrees at Saguaro lake nowdays. My thermometer here west of Pinedale said 29 degrees at 6:00 this morning. Debi went to Jackson with her mom and got snowed on in the canyon. Uhhh, excuse me Mr. warming???? End of days off... back to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More Wolf lake

I first saw Wolf lake in the late summer of 1971, I had just got out of the Army and was working for Boulder lake ranch as a dude wrangler. We moved horses from Boulder lake to wolf lake via Raid lake and other lakes south east of Pinedale. I try to get up there at least one time per year and fish. Hopefully I'll head up that way in early to mid July. Life really speeds by, got to enjoy these places while you can...
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Cliff creek

Hadn't been up Cliff creek for years, I'd forgotten how rugged those mountains and hills are up in that area of Northern Sublette County. Off for 3 days of work on lawns, check on mothers etc.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Half moon lake in the morning

Nice and calm near Halfmoon lake a couple mornings ago (between rain and snowstorms). I've sure noticed a lot more bark beetle kill on the trees this year. Last year was bad but this year is really bad. Hope the area stays wet and doesn't catch on fire!!
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Old Faithful

Never get tired of looking at Old Faithful erupt. Hopefully our geological formations stay stable for future enjoyment. Off to Jackson today to get mother in law's eyes prepped for catarac (sp) surgery tomorrow.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When you stumble on a beautiful picture like a bald eagle taking off, of course you don't have the right setting on your camera (faster shutter speed), soooo, you get this. I tried to crop it and touch it up a bit but didn't have much success. Off to do "honey do's" today, fish tomorrow (if the weather holds). Life is so uncomplicated!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Boulder Creek

Boulder creek is roaring pretty good at the campgrounds near Boulder lake. I've seen it much wilder though, as have many of you..

Nice Eagle

Saw this guy up by Middle Piney lake this morning. Ahhh, they're a magestic bird..
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Sage chicken

I've seen several of these critters around this year. This one was up by the Vible ranch near Scab Creek.
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Saturday, June 5, 2010


If nothing else Bushmaster AR-15 rifles are a good investment, Bought this one a while back and pack it with me at work. It shoots straight and true. Since our new Prez hates guns the value of them has risen to new heights. They'll pry it from my cold dead fingers...I think some famous conservative movie star said that..
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

East bound from north Horse Creek

I hadn't been up N. Horse creek in a while. Very pretty country up there!

Got some honey do stuff done on days off. Back to work tomorrow.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trying to post a "widget"

I'm going to see if this will post:

It's a "widget" or live cam of the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

Saguaro lake

They're getting their first taste of the 100's in Arizona about now. Glad I'm here and not there. Saguaro lake is just north and east of Apache junction Arizona. They have a nice little restaurant up there. Elevation is a few hundred feet higher than Phoenix so instead of 120 degrees they probably only get to 115. YIKES!! I never could figure out why it gets hotter along the Colorado river west of Phoenix where Sally and Pete live in Mohave valley??? My boat registration isn't here yet so can't fish in the boat.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Red creek

That rock formation near Red creek (Sublette-Teton county line), has always intrigued me. It's granite but layered in circles somehow. Off today and threatening to do stuff around the house.
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